Credit Load for Undergraduate Students

Date of Adoption

September 2004

Effective Date of Last Review

August 1, 2017

Date of Last Review

September 2016

Date of Next Review

September 2023

Custodian of Policy

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


Credit load is the number of credits in which a student is enrolled. Credit load is used to determine student status as a full-time or part-time student. An undergraduate student enrolled for 12 credits or more per semester is considered a full-time student for academic purposes.

The maximum allowable credit load without special approval is 18 credits.

Credit load includes the total credits of all courses enrolled, including on-campus, off-campus, on-line, and any other college courses taken concurrently with those at Minnesota State Mankato.

A student who desires to enroll for more than the established maximum must obtain approval(s) as outlined in Procedures.


Application forms for receiving approval to enroll for more than 18 credits are available in the Office of the Registrar and are posted on the Registrar’s web site.

Approvals must be obtained from the following parties:

  • 19-21 credits: Faculty Advisor and Department Chair
  • 22-24 credits: Faculty Advisor, Department Chair, College Dean (or designee)
  • 25-27 credits: Faculty Advisor, Department Chair, College Dean (or designee), and Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee)

When a student has completed the form, obtained all appropriate approval-signatures, the form is returned to the Student Relations Coordinator (SRC) of the student’s college or appropriate University office.

Permission to enroll for the approved number of credits will be entered for the student by the SRC, and the maximum credit limit will be entered as part of the permission process. The student may then proceed to enroll for the additional credits.

Processed application forms are maintained by the Student Relations Coordinator (SRC) of the student’s college or appropriate University office


As an institution that promotes quality educational experiences and is concerned with offering students a successful academic experience, Minnesota State University, Mankato establishes standards that encourage student success. In an effort to promote student success, the University has created this policy limiting the number of credits for which a student can register.

Student academic success is directly related to both the quality and quantity of the time engaged in academic activities. Excessive course loads can negatively affect a student’s academic performance, and lead to lower grades and a significant learning loss. Additionally, registering for a large number of credits, and then withdrawing from those courses which a student is unable to complete successfully, lowers a student’s cumulative course completion rate. Lower GPAs and a low cumulative course completion rate can result in a student being placed on academic probation and/or result in academic suspension. It can also result in a loss of financial aid. Additionally, when a student registers for credits in excess of those they intend to complete, other students can be denied access to those courses.