What is Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity/Gender Expression discrimination?

Conduct that is directed at an individual because that individual’s actual or perceived sexual orientation/gender identity/gender expression, and that subjects the individual to differential treatment so as to interfere with or limit the ability of the individual to participate in, or benefit from, the services, activities, or privileges provided by the University or otherwise adversely affects the individual’s employment or education. 

Discrimination can also occur if treatment of an individual is unfavorable based on who that individual is married to. 

Examples Can Include:  

  • Dismissal from employment based on a same-sex partner relationship. 
  • Showing preferential treatment, such as giving more desirable jobs/positions to those of a specific orientation.
  • Deliberately not using an individual’s preferred name or pronouns after being provided that information by the individual. 
  • Denying an individual access to an educational program due to their sexual orientation. 

Highlighted Campus Resources: 

For additional resources both on and off campus, visit  Equal Opportunity and Title IX Resources.