What is Religion and Creed discrimination?

Conduct that is directed at an individual because of that individual’s religion  and/or creed and that subjects the individual to differential treatment so as to  interfere with or limit the ability of the individual to participate in, or benefit  from, the services, activities, or privileges provided by the university or otherwise adversely affects the individual’s employment or education. 

Examples Can Include:  

  • Not hiring someone because of their religious beliefs. 
  • Adverse grade based on an individual’s belief system. 
  • Demoting an individual based on the individual’s partner’s belief system. 
  • Refusal to hire an applicant based on their religious observance of traditional dress that would not cause an undue hardship to the employer. 
  • Allowing a student absence for religious purposes to one student but not to another based on their religion and/or creed. 

Highlighted Campus Resources:

For additional resources both on and off campus, visit  Equal Opportunity and Title IX Resources.