Purchasing Procedures Highlights
In an effort to more closely conform to state-wide MinnState guidelines on purchasing supplies, materials, and equipment, the University has modified its internal requirements to reflect highlights contained within the following Service or Product Estimate Cost Range along with the purchasing requirements.
$0 -$25,000
Before purchasing a supply or equipment item departments need to:
- Check to see if item is already on a M-contract with the State of Minnesota. If it is, then use the approved vendor and no quotes need be solicited.
- Get at least one telephone quote on the item from a vendor followed by a written and signed vendor quote.
- The signed quote can be faxed. process will be reviewed.)
- Each quote should have a separate price for the freight cost.
- Let all vendors know when they must have the quote submitted to Minnesota State Mankato. If quote is submitted after that time and date, the quote must be rejected.
- All quote solicitations should include preference language for the targeted and economically disadvantaged businesses. A 6% preference will be given to the targeted businesses that are certified by the state as well as those businesses that are certified as an economically disadvantaged.
- Targeted businesses -these businesses fit the definition in state law as being small, targeted because of race, gender or disability, or economically disadvantaged.
$25,001 -$50,000
Before purchasing a supply or equipment item departments need to:
- Check to see if item is already on a M-contract with the State of Minnesota. If it is, then use the approved vendor and no quotes need be solicited.
- Get a written quote from at least two different vendors. (If possible at lease one of the quotes should be from a targeted vendor.)
- A signed quote can be faxed.
- Each quote should have a separate price for the freight cost.
- Let all vendors know when they must have the quote submitted to Minnesota State Mankato. If quote is submitted after that time and date, the quote must be rejected.
- All quote solicitations should include preference language for the targeted and economically disadvantaged businesses. A 6% preference will be given to the targeted businesses that are certified by the state as well as those businesses that are certified as economically disadvantaged.
- Targeted businesses -these businesses fit the definition in state law as being small, targeted because of race, gender or disability, or economically disadvantaged.
$50,001 and above
Before purchasing a supply or equipment item departments need to work closely with the Purchasing Coordinator to fully implement the sealed bid process:
- Check to see if item is already on a contract with the State of Minnesota. If it is, then use the approved vendor and no quotes need be solicited.
- Submit at least three suggested vendors to the Purchasing Coordinator. The Purchasing Coordinator then distributes sealed bid solicitation forms to prospective vendors and publishes necessary public announcements. Quotes are submitted in the form of sealed bids.
- The Minnesota State Mankato Request for Proposal (RFP) must be posted on the Minnesota Department of Administration's Materials Management Division's "Solicitations Posting Page" for at least two weeks before sealed bids are open or further action taken.
- Each quote should have a separate price for the freight cost.
- Let all vendors know when they must have their quote submitted to Minnesota State Mankato. If quote is submitted after that time and date, the quote must be rejected.
- All quote solicitations should include preference language for the targeted and economically disadvantaged businesses. A 6% preference will be given to the targeted businesses that are certified by the state as well as those businesses that are certified as economically disadvantaged.
- Targeted businesses -these businesses fit the definition in state law as being small, targeted because of race, gender or disability, or economically disadvantaged.
$100,000 and above
Requires MinnState approval before proceeding to bid or RFP solicitation phase. Must conform to all requirements of "$25,001 and above" category. See MinnState Procedure 5.14.5 Purchasing.