Crime Reporting Requirements

Date of Adoption

September 2003

Effective Date of Last Review

August 2022

Date of Last Review

September 2021

Date of Next Review

September 2027

Custodian of Policy

Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management


For the protection of all members of the Minnesota State University, Mankato community and to ensure compliance with state and federal legislation, any suspected criminal activity shall be immediately reported to University Security. The University also encourages the reporting of such activity to law enforcement agencies for prosecution through the criminal justice system.

The University will take appropriate action against any individual found responsible for unsafe acts in violation of University policy. Individuals with alleged involvement in reported criminal activity may be subject to sanctions by the University before, after, or simultaneously with legal proceedings.


University Security Officers can take reports at the University Security department office located in Wiecking Center 222, by phone at 507-389-2111 or via the security website. Campus Security Authorities (CSA) should report crimes to security using the CSA Reporting Form located on the security website. In addition, University Security officers can be dispatched to your location if you are on-campus. While criminal activity and any emergencies may be reported directly to law enforcement officials, all faculty, staff, and students shall also report this information to University Security for the purpose of making timely warning reports and annual statistical disclosure.

(Professional counselors and pastoral counselors are exempted from this policy requirement. The pastoral or professional counselor exemption is intended to ensure that these individuals can provide appropriate counseling services without an obligation to report crimes they may learn about. This exemption is intended to protect the counselor-client relationship. However, even the legally recognized privileges acknowledge some exemptions, and there may be situations in which counselors are in fact under a legal obligation to report a crime. To be exempt from disclosing reported offenses, pastoral or professional counselors must be acting in the role of pastoral or professional counselors. When possible, counselors are still encouraged to share non-identifiable information with University Security including the nature, date, time, and general location of an incident.)  Professional and pastoral counselors should inform their clients of procedures to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics.

Upon receiving a report of criminal activity, University Security will consider timely warning notifications and document the incident in a case report. Case reports will be forwarded to the appropriate University officials for determination of violations or disciplinary considerations and shared with appropriate law enforcement agencies. Reports of criminal activity received by University Security will be posted in the University Security Daily Crime and Fire Log, available during business hours at the University Security office in Wiecking Center 222 or found on the University Security website.

Absolute confidentiality of reports made to University Security cannot be guaranteed at Minnesota State Mankato. The information provided to University Security will be protected as best as possible but may need to be shared with other University employees or communities for consideration of violations or for the safety and wellbeing of others on campus. If an individual wish to remain anonymous, they may choose to do so by submitting an online Silent Witness Report located on University Security’s website and omitting contact information or other identifiable information. The Silent Witness Report may be utilized when a complainant wishes to share information for purposes of inclusion in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report but wishes to remain anonymous.

To report incidents of domestic violence, dating/relationship violence, sexual assault, or stalking, discrimination/harassment (protected class) you may opt to report the incident directly to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX in Morris Hall 014; 507-389-2986; or online on their website. The Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX will take a report of on-campus or off-campus conduct that impacts the University community.


The purpose of this policy is to provide University Security and University administration with the information they need to address and follow-up on threats in an effort to maintain a secure environment that is focused on educational experiences.

In addition, this policy is created to ensure compliance with state and federal reporting requirements such as Title IX, the Clery Act, Minnesota State Statute 135A.15 Sexual Harassment and Violence Policy, and Minnesota Human Rights Act.