Equipment and Property

Date of Adoption

Effective Date of Last Review

August 2023

Date of Last Review

September 2022

Date of Next Review

September 2029

Custodian of Policy

Vice President of Finance and Administration


Ownership of all University property shall reside with the institution, while custody, control and usage is the responsibility of each unit. Department/unit heads are responsible for the proper use, maintenance, and protection of all property. Equipment, when not needed by the University, may be rented to individuals or organizations upon completion of a written rental agreement and payment of an appropriate fee. See Minnesota State System Board Policy 7.3. All computing devices and data saving equipment subject to the campus Information Privacy and Security policy.


Use of University Property

University property may be removed from University premises for use by employees or staff members for job related purposes only after approval has been received from the respective department head.

A justification for off‐campus usage is to be provided to the department head in written form including the following information:

  1. A complete description and inventory identification number of the equipment being removed from University premises.
  2. The period of time the equipment will be off campus.
  3. The name of the responsible person who will be using the equipment.

Any change in status or location of University property requires updating to the inventory file.

State owned property may not be used for the employee’s private interest or for personal use either on or off campus according to State Statute 43A. 38, subdivision 4.

