
Date of Adoption

July 1, 2011

Effective Date of Last Review

July 1, 2018

Date of Last Review

September 2017

Date of Next Review

September 2024

Custodian of Policy

Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management


Student organizations, campus departments and affiliated organizations may use raffles to raise funds in support of university related activities. These groups must ensure that such fundraising activities conform to Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy and Minnesota Statutes.


1. Raffles as defined by Minnesota Statute are a form of gambling and organizations must apply for and obtain a license through the State Charitable Gambling Control Board (http://www.gcb.state.mn.us/).

2. Certain student organizations and non-profit entities may be exempted from obtaining a license. Raffles may be conducted by a fraternal, religious, veterans or other non-profit organization without licensing if the total value of all prizes awarded does not exceed $1,500 in a calendar year (Minnesota Statute 2010: 349.166). If no money is exchanged between the organizer and participants, this would not be considered a “raffle” under this policy.

3. Raffles must comply with Minnesota State Colleges and University Board Policy 5.15 (Fund Raising) and Minnesota Statute 349.166.

4. Proceeds from such events shall be deposited into the organization’s bank account, or if a University account is maintained, with the University cashier immediately after the event.

5.In order to comply with all reporting requirements, student organizations, campus departments and others shall complete a fundraising form two weeks prior to engaging in any fundraising activities if they intend to use the University’s name or facilities.

    • Each organization is responsible for determining if it needs a license, for obtaining that license, and for following the provisions of law.
    • Recognized Student Organizations must not use the University’s name or imply University sponsorship in any way. If the group’s name includes the name of the university, a disclaimer must be included on the face of the ticket.
    • Prizes should be quality items of a non-alcoholic nature.
    • Organizations shall retain a record of income, expenses and disposition of the money raised for a period of 3 1/2 years after the event. (Minnesota Statute 2010: 349.166 Subd. 1, 2d).


Student Organizations and other campus related groups often consider raffles as a means to raise funds to support university related activities. The intent of this policy is to insure compliance with Minnesota Statute and Minnesota State Colleges and University Board policy and to ensure that fundraising is done in a transparent manner that reflects university values and standards.