Non-Confidential Campus Resources
Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX
Connecting individuals with campus resources.
Taking interim action, and investigating alleged violations of the Minnesota State system nondiscrimination and sexual violence policies.
Reports can be made in-person, by phone, by email, and online.
Dean of Students Office and Student Conduct Office
Overseeing the student conduct disciplinary process.
Offering information and referrals to student support offices and collaborating with offices across campus to address student in crisis.
Assisting with follow-up after an incident.
Student Affairs
- Student emergency and basic needs resources.
University Security
By calling University Security, students can report an incident of sexual violence, discrimination, or discriminatory harassment.
Connecting students to other law enforcement officials and medical professionals.
Providing the everyday, anytime Safe Walk Service to and from any University building, parking lot, or residence community.
Human Resources
Provide connection to employee resources regarding benefit and payroll information.
Receive and investigate reports of allegations involving the Workplace Environment Policy.
Connecting employees to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Student Attorney (Legal Services)
280 Centennial Student Union
Providing students with free legal advice from a licensed practicing attorney.
Appointments can be made to go over various legal issues.
Campus Hub / Student Financial Services
117 Centennial Student Union
- Answering walk-up questions and providing resources and referrals.
- Appointments can be made with financial aid advisors.
Multicultural Center
269 Centennial Student Union
- Exchange, learn, and reinforce cultural identity and connect with students from diverse backgrounds.
- Tutoring, mentoring, advising, or counseling related to multicultural issues.
- African American Affairs; American Indian Affairs; Asian American Affairs; Latinx Affairs.
284 Centennial Student Union
- Enhances recruitment/retention efforts and outreach to diverse students in all areas of the University.
- Facilitates the Maverick Success Program.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Center
194 Centennial Student Union
- Campus and community awareness of LGBTQIA concerns and strive to ensure every individual has equal opportunity to learn, work, and grow in a supportive and safe environment.
- Provide resources, information, and referrals for the MSU community on queer, bisexual, lesbian, transgender, gay, and questioning issues.
Women's Center
- Hosting a comfortable, inclusive area with computers, a microwave, and a refrigerator.
- Providing space for students to both pump or express milk and store in their refrigerator during business hours.
Accessibility Resources
- Arranging accommodations for students with disabilities like note-taking, text in alternative format, alternative testing, sign language interpreting, early registration, assistive technology, and other needs and access services.
Temporary health conditions and pregnancy accommodations.
- Report a barrier through Accessibility Resources here.
Kearney International Center
250 Centennial Student Union
- Assistance with immigration status or application process.
- Access to other services specific for international students.
Veteran's Resource Center
167 Centennial Student Union
- Support for veterans including educational benefits, scholarships, medical resources, family services.
- Veterans Resource Center is a comfortable, relaxing space where veterans, military members, and their families can grab a cup of coffee, share stories and support, or get some homework done.