Title IX Required Publication of Training Materials

Per the Federal Title IX regulations (34 C.F.R. Part 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D)), which requires institutions of higher education that receive federal funds, including Minnesota State University, Mankato, publicaly post all materials used to train Title IX personnel at the University. The University will continue to update this site to the extent necessary to comply with Title IX and the regulations.

The Title IX regulations require noting trainings effective August 14, 2020. The list below does include a training prior to August 14, 2020, that relate to the implementation of the 2020 Title IX regulations.  All materials will be kept by the institution for seven (7) years. Below is training received by the Title IX Coordinator, Investigators, Decision Makers, and/or facilitators for informal resolution.

July 14 & 15, 2020 2020 Title IX Regulations Implementation ATIXA Materials available
August 27, 2020 Title IX Training Minnesota State system Office of General Counsel Materials available
Fall 2020 Title IX Informal Resolution Training NASPA Materials available
October 27, 2020 Fall 2020 Competency Series: Compliance and Title IX Update Minnesota State system Offices of General Counsel and Equity and Inclusion Materials available
November 5, 2020 Violence Risk Assessment for Title IX ATIXA Materials available
June 24, 2021 Student informal Resolution for Sexual Misconduct Matters Minnesota State system Office of Equity and Inclusion Materials available
August 31, 2021 Being an Effective Title IX Advisor: From Investigation to Hearing Grand River Solutions Materials available
June 14, 2022 Informal Resolution Process Refresh and Q&A Minnesota State system Office of Equity and Inclusion Materials available
November 3, 2022 Title IX Sexual Harassment Investigator Training (1B.3 Training) Minnesota State system Offices of General Counsel and Equity and Inclusion Materials available
November 17, 2022 Equal Opportunity & Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education Investigator Training (1B.1 Training) Minnesota State system Offices of General Counsel and Equity and Inclusion Materials available
June 12, 2023 Informal Resolution Training trainED; Sponsored by Minnesota Office of Higher Education Materials available
June 13, 2023 Title IX/VAWA Investigator Training trainED; Sponsored by Minnesota Office of Higher Education Materials available
August 8, 2023 Decisionmaker Training (1B.1/1B.3 Policies and corresponding procedures) Minnesota State system Offices of General Counsel, Labor Relations, and Equity and Inclusion Materials available
August 9, 2023 Equal Opportunity & Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education Investigator Training (1B.1 Training) Minnesota State system Offices of General Counsel and Equity and Inclusion Materials available
August 10, 2023 Title IX Sexual Harassment Investigator Training (1B.3 Training) Minnesota State system Offices of General Counsel and Equity and Inclusion Materials available
September 27, 2023 Title IX Coordinator Training Minnesota State system Office of Equity and Inclusion Materials available
January 18, 2024 Analyzing Consent in Title IX Investigations Somermeyer Sullivan/Ballast via Minnesota Office of Higher Education Materials available
February 27, 2024 Decisionmaker Training (1B.1/1B.3 Policies and corresponding procedures) Minnesota State system Offices of General Counsel, Labor Relations, and Equity and Inclusion Materials available
February 28, 2024 Equal Opportunity & Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education Investigator Training (1B.1 Training) Minnesota State system Offices of General Counsel and Equity and Inclusion Materials available
February 29, 2024 Title IX Sexual Harassment Investigator Training (1B.3 Training) Minnesota State system Offices of General Counsel and Equity and Inclusion Materials available
May 9, 2024 Minnesota Office of Higher Education Title IX Training Part One trainED; Sponsored by Minnesota Office of Higher Education Materials available
May 15, 2024 Minnesota Office of Higher Education Title IX Training Part Two trainED; Sponsored by Minnesota Office of Higher Education Materials available