Policies Under Review


University policies are valid for 6 years. Every year, several policies need to be reviewed to determine if they are still meeting the needs of the university and its students, staff, and faculty. We can approve them for another 6 years, revise them, or remove them. The Policy Consultation Committee coordinates the work of the reviews. 

In the 2023-2024 policy review cycle, 7 policies are due for a periodic review. About 20 other policies were proposed for "out of cycle" review. The Policy Consultation Committee reviewed the suggestions and decided to move forward with 1 of them. There will also be 1 new policy created. Thus, 9 policies will be reviewed this year.


It is occasionally necessary for a policy to undergo limited changes either to ensure compliance with Minnesota State Board of Trustees’ policy, to conform to changes in state and federal law, or to revise language to address a significant variance between policy language and established practice. Such changes occur through a limited review process. Expedited policy changes will be suggested by the appropriate policy custodian to the University Policy Consultation and Approval Committee.  We particularly seek comments that help the committee and the policy drafters revise with an equity lens.


Expedited Policy Under Review


Submit Expedited Policy Review Comments

Please submit comments no later than noon on Thursday, June 27, 2024.


Submitted Campus Policy Responses: