What is National Origin Discrimination?

Conduct that is directed at an individual because that individual is from a certain country/part of the world, due to ethnicity or accent, or the individual appears to be of a specific ethnic background, regardless of the individual is or not, and that subjects the individual to differential treatment so as to interfere with or limit the ability of the individual to participate in, or benefit from, the services, activities, or privileges provided by the University or otherwise adversely affects the individual’s employment or education. 

Discrimination can also occur if treatment of an individual is unfavorable based on who that individual is married to, or associated with, with regard to an individual of a specific national origin. National origin discrimination can also occur among individuals of the same national origin. 

Examples Can Include:  

  • Employer refusing to hire anyone from a specific country. 
  • Refusal to interview individuals with Hispanic-sounding surnames. 
  • Employer refusal to allow employees to wear clothing that reflects their ethnicity. 
  • Disciplining an employee or a student from a specific ethnic background more severely than a white employee or student for unexcused absences. 
  • Professor providing more research opportunities to students that appear predominantly white over students from ethnically diverse backgrounds. 

Highlighted Campus Resources:

For additional resources both on and off campus, visit  Equal Opportunity and Title IX Resources.