Adjunct Faculty Handbook
Administrative assistants and others who manage the hiring process:
This handbook is intended as a supplement to the Employee Resource Guide and was created especially for adjunct faculty to address issues specific to adjunct employment and to insure you are provided with the information you need in order to be successful.
In addition to this handbook, the Employee Resource Guide is available to all employees and offers quick and easy links to the different tools, forms and other resources that are available to help you in your position at Minnesota State Mankato.
If you need any further information please contact your academic department, Human Resources 507-389-2015, or the Faculty Association 507-389-2479.
Adjunct Hiring Policies
The administration and the Inter Faculty Organization (IFO) recognize that circumstances may dictate that faculty tasks cannot be accomplished within the workload of permanent faculty, including overload. When the President/designee determines that such conditions exist s/he may authorize adjunct appointments in accordance with the following principles:
- To meet temporary staffing needs due to enrollment increases for which normal full funding is not provided.
- To meet temporary staffing needs when faculty are reassigned to other duties or who are on sabbatical or on other leaves of absences.
- To teach courses requiring special expertise and/or meet special programmatic needs of departments, such expertise and needs that cannot otherwise be provided by the faculty within the department.
Adjunct Hiring
The President/designee shall consult with the department concerning the need for hiring adjuncts. In addition, no adjunct faculty member shall teach more than ten (10) credits in anyone (1) academic year.
Adjunct appointments terminate at the end of the stated period and carry no implication of future employment.
Vacant Position Postings
Adjunct positions are generally posted on the University’s Career Opportunities website. Selection of adjuncts must be based on legitimate job-related reasons, taking into account the University’s Equal Opportunity & Title IX obligations and commitment to diversity.
An adjunct will have a master's degree, specialized licensure, or other special preparation/experience. The department shall be responsible for evaluating the academic credentials of the candidate and making recommendations to the President/designee. Please consult the hiring department for any additional criteria and documentation.
An adjunct will also have to meet any posted qualifications or criteria within the Notice of Vacancy under which they are hired.
Pay Scale/Salaries
Salaries are determined by the IFO master collective bargaining agreement which can be found at
Adjunct Employment Paperwork
There are several steps involved in the processing of hiring documents: each one critical to the adjunct faculty member receiving an accurate and timely paycheck. It is imperative that all of the following steps are completed as the employee may not start working until all documentation is received and processed.
In order for an adjunct employee to be paid on the first full pay period after the start of a semester, all hiring documents must be processed through Human Resources one week before the first duty day of the semester, if not before.
Offer Letter - Adjunct 
All adjunct faculty must receive a written offer letter from the Dean of the College in which they will be teaching. The written offer letter will include specific information regarding the Adjunct Faculty's assignment. Written acceptance along with the provision of all additional paperwork listed below is required for processing.
Additional Paperwork
The Offer Letter will specify the additional documentation that must be completed in order to be placed on the payroll system including:
- Official Transcripts of highest completed degree
- Resume
- W-4 Form
- Retirement Checklist for New Hires
All adjuncts, including returning adjuncts, are required to submit an official transcript of his/her highest degree (if not already on file in Human Resources), along with a current resume. Any exceptions to the degree requirements must be discussed in advance of an offer with the Dean and/or Academic Affairs.
Required For Employment
It is essential that within three days of the date the employee is to begin teaching that they report to Human Resources, 336 Wigley Administration Center, and provide the necessary proof of eligibility for employment in the United States. Acceptable forms of identification are listed on the Form I-9, which will be included with the offer letter. International faculty or employees should contact Human Resources for assistance at 507-389-2015.
Getting Paid
In order for an adjunct employee to be paid on the first full pay period after the start of a semester, all hiring documents must be processed through Human Resources one week before the first duty day of the semester, if not before. Earlier submissions are appreciated due to volume and the ability to input the data. Note: For spring semester this means the paperwork must be processed before leaving for the holiday break or the adjunct faculty member will not be paid until the second full pay period--at the earliest.
Appointment Documents
Human Resources will key all the information provided from the appointment documents into the payroll system. They will generate a finalized appointment document which details the assignment, appointment status, and contracted salary for each new adjunct. Human Resources will send the finalized appointment document to the appropriate Dean's office for review and distribution to the adjunct.
Adjunct Faculty and Tuition Waiver
Adjunct faculty may be entitled to enrollment in courses at any University in the Minnesota State System without payment of tuition or fees, excluding laboratory and special course fees.
Generally, an adjunct must teach four credits in an academic year (excluding summer) to be eligible. The number of credits available to eligible adjunct faculty is equal to the number of credit hours taught by that individual within that year (a year begins the first day of fall semester and concludes the day before the beginning of the succeeding fall semester).
The tuition and fee waiver must be used in the period from the first day of fall semester to the day before the succeeding fall semester in which the faculty member is employed. The faculty member’s spouse or dependent children may share this right within the credit limit established above, with waiver of tuition only.
For more information regarding tuition waiver view the University Tuition Waiver website or contact or call Emily Engesser at 507-389-1630 or Letetia Klebel at 507-389-1190.
Eligibility Overview
- Adjunct must teach at least four credits in an academic year (excluding summer).
- The number of credits available is equal to the number of credit hours taught within that year.
- Waiver must be used between the first day of fall semester and the day before the following fall semester in which the adjunct faculty member is employed.
- Spouse or dependents are eligible for the waiver of tuition only.
Adjunct Faculty Retirement and Insurance
Eligibility of adjunct faculty for retirement and/or insurance benefits varies depending on several factors including number of credits taught and prior participation. Please note not all adjunct are eligible.
Adjunct faculty may be eligible for a number of retirement plans, these include both mandatory plans such as the Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association and voluntary plans such as the Deferred Compensation Plan.
Adjunct faculty are eligible for the mandatory plan when they achieve 0.25 FTE (six credits) or if they have prior participation in the Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association. For a list of available mandatory and voluntary retirement options, please visit the Human Resources Retirement webpage.
Contact Information
For more information regarding eligibility requirements please contact Human Resources at 507-389-2015.
Only adjunct faculty members with multiple appointments are eligible for the State Employee Group Insurance Program (SEGIP).
An adjunct faculty member holding separate appointments at different institutions shall have such assignments combined for purposes of determining eligibility for insurance.
To be eligible for this benefit, such adjunct faculty members must report any multiple appointments to the Human Resources office at each reporting institution.
Adjunct and Professional Development
The purpose of Professional Development is to provide for continuing improvement in teaching, student interactions, the quality of scholarly activity and other service to the university and community.
Adjunct faculty members are free to attend professional development courses/sessions, whenever their schedule permits.
Adjuncts are not evaluated on their progress with regards to Professional Development and are not eligible for Professional Development funds from their hiring department.