Data Requests
Public Information and Institutional Data
Please know that we make every attempt to fulfill data requests to the extent permitted by policy and statute. However, state employee data includes several data elements that are defined by statute as private. In addition, the Notice of Intent to Collect Private Data, as well as the data release statements, included in both the state and Minnesota State University hiring processes, only provide for dissemination of the data to comply with equal employment opportunity and affirmative action requirements as set forth by law.
Thus, due to numerous data privacy concerns, we are unable to fill requests which include identifying private data on individuals, including but not limited to: gender, age, disability, ethnicity. If there is a need to limit resulting numbers for a particular request, we suggest utilizing a data subset that is not protected by statute, such as new hires or full-time employees, etc. We would be happy to work with you on identifying possible data sets that would be appropriate to meet the needs of your request. However, if you are in need of aggregate data that includes elements classified as private, this data is available through the System website, under Management Reporting .
If you have questions, please review our 'Requests for Information' website.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Requests for Public or Private Information
Contains information regarding data definitions, policies and procedures for making a request, required forms, contact information and more.
IPEDS Data Center
IPEDS is the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. It is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS gathers information from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs. The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires that institutions that participate in federal student aid programs report data on enrollments, program completions, graduation rates, faculty and staff, finances, institutional prices, and student financial aid.
MinnState Strategic Reporting and Data Analytics Resources 
Minnesota State provides various reports containing both institutional and system wide data available via the web. The reports are updated daily, weekly, monthly, or annually, depending on the business need. These reports include data for individual institutions as well as system wide in the areas of HR Payroll, Students, Finance, Facilities and more. For Employee Data select HR Payroll from the report categories and then the applicable institution from the drop down menu
Deans and Other Administrators
Onboarding and Offboardings 
The Onboarding and Offboarding report represents "New Hires" and "Separations" that have occurred during the three weeks prior to the date shown on the report. Separations in this report are identified by records in which a separation code is entered in the system. Some separations do not always receive a separation code in the system, such as temporary assignments.
Public Information Roster
The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Personnel Management System (SCUPPS) provides the HR3190 - Public Information Roster. The Public Information Roster is divided into three sections. The following is a link to each section and a breakdown of the information included in each section.
Section I (Report-ID HR3190-A) | Section II (Report-ID HR3190-B) | Section III (Report-ID HR3190-C) |
Examples include:
- The base salary for faculty members is based on 168 duty days (only Fall and Spring semester). Any summer teaching or other assignments are not reflected.
- The base salary does not reflect whether an individual is half-time, three-quarter time or any other variation thereof. This is very distorted, for example, for seasonal employees.
- Additional assignments for employees are not reflected.
- This report does not show accurately when people have changed assignment such as moving from one position to another. It may show them listed twice, but they only did have one position at a given time.
- Effective 08/15/2022, the minimum salary for adjuncts is $1,645 per credit which is the equivalent of $39,480 per year (if a full load of 24 credits). The rest of the information is correct: The rate can be more and an adjunct is typically limited to a maximum of 12 credits in the academic year. Exceeding this would require a conversion of the adjunct to a Fixed Term or similar position, which would be place on the normal faculty salary schedule based on the credentials.
Institutional Data and Information
Institutional data and information is available via Annual Data Summaries, Common Data Sets, and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Sets.