Self Service
You as an employee have many options regarding your personal, financial and institutial informaiton.
State of Minnesota Employee Self Service 
Is a Minnstate based service where you have access to tax information, benefits enrollment, electronic learning management
- Electronic Learning Management (ELM)
- Access to open and required learning courses
- Employee Self Service
- View current and past paystubs
- Employee pay roll functions
- W-4 and W-2 information
- Manage Saving Plans
- Deferred Compensation
- Charitable Deductions and Leave Donations
- Direct Deposit information
- Personal Information including,
- Contact information
- Skills profile
- I-9 - complete and submit an electonic based I-9
- Disability - add or update status
- Drivers licenses - Vehicle Use Agreement
Employee Home 
Minnesota State Employee Home is a place to access employee informaiton, timesheet information and select applications.
- Employee Applications
- eTimesheets - electronic time sheets can be used for the following
- Submission of Electronic Timesheet
- Submission of time off reqeusts
- Leave Accruals
- Faculty - used to find listings and interact with
- Student Advisees
- Class Lists
- Grading, LDA and grade changes
- Overrides
- Security Administration - used for managing ISRS secuirty options
- Tuition Waiver - reqeust and view historical tuition waiver reqeusts
- eTimesheets - electronic time sheets can be used for the following
- My Profile - this section is used to update the following
- Personal, Contact and Emergency Contact Information
- I-9 Information
- Work Experience
- Education and Professional Licenses/Certifcates
- My Jobs - a historical listing of positions that have been held
- My Settings - used to set your default institution and links for starID password reset.