Academic Affairs Forms
Access to forms and resources for faculty members.
Adjunct Faculty Improvement Grant (AFIG) Application:
Adjunct Faculty Improvement Grants are designed to provide funding for adjunct faculty members to improve performance in teaching and/or professional development. These funds are available annually to adjuncts in accordance with the IFO Contract.
Adjunct Faculty Improvement Grant (AFIG) Application
Emeriti Recommendation:
The Society of Honored Staff, Teaching and Administrative/Service Faculty Emeriti was created to honor retiring Minnesota State University, Mankato employees. To be eligible for honored emeriti status, the employee must be retiring from the University in good standing with a minimum of 10 years of service.
Faculty Improvement Grant Information:
The Faculty Improvement Grant is designed to provide funding for faculty members to improve performance in the areas of teaching, scholarly or creative activity, continuing preparation and study, contributions to student growth and development, or service to the university and community.
Faculty Improvement Grant Information
Faculty Research Grant Information:
The purpose of a Faculty Research Grant (FRG) at Minnesota State University, Mankato is to encourage excellence in research, scholarship, and creative activities among faculty.
Faculty Research Grant Information
Leave of Absence:
Leaves of Absences (LOA) are governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The Leave of Absense process (information found below) is designed to provide clarity and transparency to the offering and acceptance of LOA and the impact a LOA has on tenure, promotion, professional development plans and reports, and nonârenewals.
out-of-state travel:
Under no circumstances can you purchase anything for your travel before it is approved. If you do, and the travel is not approved, those expenses will not be covered.
Packaged Course Proposal:
Packaged courses are authorized by the Master Agreement between the IFO and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees. Information and guidelines on proposals is found below.
presidential teaching scholar fellowship information:
The purpose of the fellowship program is to provide support for faculty in their commitments to teaching and learning at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Presidential Teaching Scholar Fellowship Information
Promotion information:
To earn promotion, the faculty member must demonstrate a cumulative record of professional performance and high achievement appropriate to the relevant rank and consistent with the goals and objectives of the university.
Promotion information
Sabbatical Information:
Sabbatical leaves may be awarded for various reasons related to scholarly or professional growth, development, or renewal, including creative endeavors that promise to enhance the professional effectiveness of the applicant.
Sabbatical Information
Student Course Fees:
Information on the process and review of student course and campus fees per the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy 5.11.
- Process for Setting Student Course Fees
- Approval Form for Setting and Continuing Student Course Fees
- Minnesota State Student Fee Board Policy
- Minnesota State Student Fee Board Procedure
Teaching Assistants (TA) Enrolled in Graduate Programs and Supervised by Faculty procedure:
Information on the process for screening, training, and assessing teaching assistants (TAs) who are instructors of record at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Teaching Assistants (TA) Enrolled in Graduate Programs and Supervised by Faculty procedure
tenure information:
To be awarded tenure, a faculty member must demonstrate a record of positive performance and professionally competent achievement over the duration of the probationary period that is consistent with the goals and objectives of the university.
tenure information
Tested Experience ApplicatioN:
Information on the process for determining tested experience for faculty who do not meet minimal academic credentialing qualifications at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Tested Experience ApplicatioN
Workload Forms:
Authorization and assignment forms pertaining to faculty workloads and overloads.