Transportation needs of University employees and students for state purposes
Our mission is to provide parking and transportation alternatives to meet the needs of the students, faculty, staff, and guests of the campus
The MavCARD is "Your Ticket to Ride"
B3 Benchmarking puts the power of public building energy data in the hands of Minnesota public building owners to manage and reduce energy costs.
Charging stations dubbed "Sparky 1" and "Sparky 2" are located by the Centennial Student Union lot 11A.
It only takes 2-3 hours to fully charge at $1 per hour.
Encouraging responsible stewardship of our resources on and off campus. Mavericks for a Sustainable Future
Minnesota State Mankato encompasses 354 acres including 77 acres of protected ravine areas.
Trees, benches, gardens and plazas dedicated to, or in the memory of someone who has had a profound presence at Minnesota State Mankato.
Facilities Management is an organizational unit of the Division of Finance and Facilities.
A multitude of services that are provided by Facilities Management at Minnesota State Mankato
Building Services will support the mission of the University by maintaining all campus buildings to the highest possible standard of cleanliness.
Committed to maintaining a campus environment which will not adversely affect ones health, safety, and surrounding environment, or subject people to accidental illness or injury. Responsible for minimizing the environmental impact of activities such as hazardous waste.
Facilities Services encompasses office support services, receiving and delivery, materials management, vehicles operations, parking and transportation and facilities purchasing.
The Physical Plant supports the mission of the University by operating and maintaining an efficiently run campus.
Manages all phases of Minnesota State Mankato planning and capital development. Our goals are to deliver services of the highest quality to ensure sustainability and to enhance the campus environment by providing safe, modern, and comfortable facilities.
Staff in the main office of Facilities Management. Employees with other areas are listed within their respective areas
Organization Charts - Facilities Management